Jeff The Killer's Lasts Words Funny Picture. Jeff the killer and jeffery. After my comeback last week to my jeff blog, i managed to get out my first reply.
It was a while after seeing that picture and learning of his infamy that i actually got around to reading the associated creepypasta.
The words funny picture quotes funny pictures funny pics funny memes song memes true memes life pictures just for laughs. I am skyping my friend right now and i need someone to send me the jeff the killer pop up screamo site. I'm so sorry :( jeff the killer and screamers are like one of my biggest fears on the internet.i'd probably throw my laptop across the room if that happen to me permalink embe jumpscares and jeff jumpscare ad warning. Jeff the killer, whose face was burned off with acid and who hides in your closet, telling you to 'go to sleep'.